Virgo - The Maiden
23rd August till 22nd September
Full Moon phase is from Monday 13th January to Wednesday 15th January
New Moon phase is from Friday 20th December to Sunday 22nd December
This is the Horoscope forecast
for the zodiac sign of Virgo in Capricorn : this phase features a beautiful trine between the next coming three weeks. In other words, you’re in a brilliant position to receive a boost from this progressive, liberating influence. But first you need to keep into harmony with your sign as it begins its visit to your sector of joy, romance, and pleasure. It will stick with you, blessing your leisurely activities, dating life, and creative worlds until the coming phase of the New Moon on Friday 20th December , significant, yet sometimes subtle, changes are in the works regarding how you express yourself and the ways you go about getting what you want in life. Stimulating changes to your routine stem from a desire for a bit more freedom in your life, a shift in your thinking patterns that has the effect of broadening your life experiences. You enjoy increased popularity and forge new friendships. Full Moon phase coming on Monday 13th’ January you can feel quite peaceful as you make small changes and improvements, simply because opportunities that seem to come “out of the blue” are fortunate ones. You are quietly making headway, and reaching out to unexplored territory or new people serves you well. Unusual opportunities for the advancement of your goals are in order. You can be excited to break free from certain inhibitions about expressing yourself. Publishing and promotional efforts are well-starred. People may be introducing you to new ideas and beliefs that inspire you , your communications sector, motivating you to learn, connect, and share. Do watch for impatience in your communications and movements, but tap into your passion and enthusiasm for personal interests, activities, and movement Namaste.
- Element and Ruling Planet: Virgo’s element is Earth, and its ruling planet is Mercury.
- Ruling House: Virgo is the sixth ruling house.
- Personality Traits: Virgos are known for their cheerful ways, ability to mask emotions, loyalty, passion, observance, perfectionism, dominance, and sensitivity.
- Ideal Love Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius, Cancer, and Libra.
- Ideal Guidance Zodiac Sign: Gemini.
- Monthly Zodiac Quote: “Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. Namaste.”
- Ideal Crystal: Quartz.
- Ideal Days in Capricorn: December 24th, December 29th, and January 5th.
- Stressful Days in Capricorn: December 26th, January 8th, and January 16th.
- Opportunity Days in Capricorn: December 27th, January 4th, and January 19th.
- Romantic Days in Capricorn: December 31st, January 7th, and January 14th.
- Cleansing Time in Capricorn: Between January 13th and January 17th.
There is a very fine line between loving life and being greedy for it Namaste.
PaulJon’s Quote