Libra - The Scales
23rd September till 22nd October
Full Moon phase is from Wednesday 29th' January to Friday 31st' January
New Moon phase is from Wednesday 12th' February to Friday 14th' February

This is the Horoscope forecast
for the zodiac sign of Libra in
: The first few weeks of February tend to be quiet for you, at least on the surface of things. The state of your inner world, on the other hand, is especially active. You might decide to treat this period as a time for gathering your energies and closing important projects, relationships, or situations so that you can begin again. The New Moon on WEdnesday 29th’ January is the perfect excuse for a new beginning, favoring any task that involves getting your point across effectively! Your romantic life becomes considerably more straightforward at the same time, or at least your wants and desires from romance are less complicated. A disappointment around the coming Full Moon on Wednesday 12th’ February as on the same date can eventually lead to a breakthrough in the last week of the month. In the last few days of January you’ll find more support than usual you’re attracting both people and favorable circumstances into your life. Even so, energy levels can be low much of the month, and you may want to wait for February to launch significant new endeavors , you can be a bit withdrawn at times, preferring moments to yourself for reflection and rest. It’s not the best time for demanding or competitive activities. There is an unusual number of influences highlighting your privacy sector. Soul searching is necessary now, and important decision making will need to wait. If you’ve used your period of rest lately now you’ll find that you can push forward with personal plans successfully Namaste.
- Libra Element is Air and Libra Ruling Planet is Venus.
- Libra is the Seventh Ruling House .
- Libra are known for their motivation in their surroundings , can create equilibrium in all areas , adore Beauty , are very good in financial situations , have ambitions for growth and are always on the move for new directions.
- Libra ideal love zodiac signs in Aquarius are : Sagittarius , Pisces and Taurus.
- Libra’s most ideal guidance zodiac sign in Aquarius is Virgo.
- Libra month zodiac quote is that the man who has confidence in himself gains the confidence of others Namaste.
- Libra’s ideal Crystal for Aquarius is the Jade Blue.
- Libra ideal days in Aquarius are : 29th’ Jan, 3rd’Feb and 15th’ February.
- Libra stressful days in Aquarius are : 26th’ Jan , 6th’Feb and 12th’February.
- Libra opportunity days in Aquarius are : 24th’ Jan, 9th’ Feb and 13th’ February.
- Libra ideal romantic days in Aquarius are : 30th’ Jan , 7th’ Feb and 18th’ February.
- Libra ideal Cleansing time in Aquarius is between the 9th’ Feb and 14th’ February .
Never too old, never too bad, never too late, never too sick to start from scratch once again Namaste.
PaulJon’s Quote