Leo - The Lion
23rd July till 22nd August
Full Moon phase is from Monday 13th January to Wednesday 15th January
New Moon phase is from Friday 20th December to Sunday 22nd December
This is the Horoscope forecast
for the zodiac sign of Leo in Capricorn : as this zodiac will make you more aware , progressive change, rebellion, and individuality is at the top of your solar chart. Alterations in your lifestyle can be quite significant, and new directions are likely now and in upcoming years. Coming New Moon phase is from Friday 20th’ December you would feel a strong need for independence marks this period of your life, and it’s building! Life seems to speed up as if it’s nudging you to take a few risks, make changes, and blaze new paths that you haven’t considered before. You are spirited and spunky. However, you also have a lot of work to do. Jupiter heads into your sector of work, health, and daily routines will stick around there until the next zodiac coming sign ! The nature and breadth of your daily activities and routines expand under this influence. The Full Moon phase coming on Monday 13th’ January will bring in heavy energy to this sector of your chart, and now that Jupiter’s arrived, you’re finding more meaning and joy in your work or daily affairs. Opportunities for improved working conditions and advancement are likely, particularly in the coming next three weeks month. A positive attitude towards the work you do helps you attract these opportunities and potential windfalls. You’re rethinking your goals, and new ideas are likely to emerge now that you’ll develop further is a time for inspiration , transits your home and family sector , encouraging activity on the home front. This influence can undoubtedly stir up some tension, and physical and creative release from pressure can be beneficial. Some form of spiritual or creative escape, if you can manage it, would be excellent to help round out your life Namaste.
- Element and Ruling Planet: Leo’s element is Fire, and its ruling planet is the Sun.
- Ruling House: Leo is the fifth ruling house.
- Personality Traits: Leos are known for their stability, loyalty, consistency, dedication, kindness, and ability to be great lovers in the right relationship.
- Ideal Love Zodiac Signs: Scorpio, Aries, and Taurus.
- Ideal Guidance Zodiac Sign: Pisces.
- Monthly Zodiac Quote: “There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment. Namaste.”
- Ideal Crystal: Onyx.
- Ideal Days in Capricorn: December 28th, January 2nd, and January 10th.
- Stressful Days in Capricorn: December 26th, January 6th, and January 18th.
- Opportunity Days in Capricorn: December 29th, January 9th, and January 14th.
- Romantic Days in Capricorn: December 31st, January 4th, and January 12th.
- Cleansing Time in Capricorn: Between January 3rd and January 6th.
You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life Namaste.
PaulJon’s Quote