Gemini - The Twins

21st May till 20th June

Full Moon phase is from Monday 13th January to Wednesday 15th January
New Moon
 phase is from Friday 20th December to Sunday 22nd December

This is the Horoscope forecast
 for the zodiac sign of Gemini in Capricorn :
 There is a strong focus on your relationships. A Solar Eclipse occurs in your intimacy sector, and moves in the same area of your solar chart for a stay of over a year. These events put a spotlight on your inner world and the often hidden dynamics in a close relationship.You could be released from a debt or dependency during this period. Alternatively, if you’ve kept to yourself and now need support in the form of loans or backing, this could be the time when you get what you need. Coming New Moon phase is from Friday 20th’ December  you would feel that it is the time for sorting out your debt situation or your joint finances. You’re determined to get a hold of your life, perhaps through tackling bad habits, addictions, or negative attitudes that may have been undermining your confidence–opportunities open to you to do so.You’re in great shape for deepened relationships or more joy in an intimate relationship, and a generally easier time attracting support moral, economic, or otherwise. Full Moon phase  coming on Monday 13th’ January  you will see that your relationship with yourself or with a partner can grow as you understand your deeper needs more fully and embrace the more hidden elements of your nature. This can get the ball rolling, but you may feel some of these effects before that date. The months ahead can be quite wonderful for your private life Namaste.

  • Element and Ruling Planet: Gemini’s element is Air, and its ruling planet is Mercury.
  • Ruling House: Gemini is the third ruling house.
  • Personality Traits: Geminis are known for their vibrant personality, intelligence, outgoing nature, excellent communication skills, leadership abilities, and their knack for handling any situation.
  • Ideal Love Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Libra, and Sagittarius.
  • Ideal Guidance Zodiac Sign: Taurus.
  • Monthly Zodiac Quote: “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. Namaste.”
  • Ideal Crystal: Eudialyte.
  • Ideal Days in Capricorn: December 27th, January 5th, and January 19th.
  • Stressful Days in Capricorn: December 29th, January 8th, and January 17th.
  • Opportunity Days in Capricorn: December 22nd, December 26th, and January 7th.
  • Romantic Days in Capricorn: December 31st, January 3rd, and January 13th.
  • Cleansing Time in Capricorn: Between January 7th and January 9th.

Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen 

PaulJon’s Quote