Capricorn - The Sea Goat
22nd December till 19th January
Full Moon phase is from Monday 13th January to Wednesday 15th January
New Moon phase is from Friday 20th December to Sunday 22nd December
This is the Horoscope forecast
for the zodiac sign of Capricorn in Capricorn
: Still it’s a phase for getting your bearings, rest, and reflection. Staying yourself to set and bring more meaning and pleasure or satisfaction to your life. Coming New Moon phase from Friday 20th’ December is time to spend in harmony with your sign, and this is a most welcome boost to energy and motivation levels and helps boost your sense of adventure. This transit comes at an interesting time clearing the decks , it helps you rebuild your personal image, manner, attitude towards life and independence, confidence levels, your relationship with your body, and self assertion. You’re learning or relearning to take charge and “own” these things. It’s a time of fully embracing your self-starting, enterprising nature. Coming Full Moon phase coming on Monday 13th’ January physical activities or programs, businesses, or a fresh start regarding how you walk into a room or grab opportunities, can be part of the picture and continue to prompt you to get organized, but often has you feeling serious or heavy and helps enhance your image and repairs your relationship with yourself, and you’ll find people more overtly appreciating you and your general vibe.If you feel unlucky spend much of the time in your sign focused energies as this helps to keep confidence from developing into over confidence or arrogance. It also offers you a dose of reality when you might very well need it most if you have an urge to live beyond your means Namaste.
- Element and Ruling Planet: Capricorn’s element is Earth, and its ruling planet is Saturn.
- Ruling House: Capricorn is the tenth ruling house.
- Personality Traits: Capricorns are stable, balanced, highly wise, sensitive, sensible, and secure, but they may act aggressively to achieve their goals.
- Ideal Love Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo, and Scorpio.
- Ideal Guidance Zodiac Sign: Pisces.
- Monthly Zodiac Quote: “True love is like ghosts, which everyone talks about and few have seen. Namaste.”
- Ideal Crystal: Celestine.
- Ideal Days in Capricorn: December 28th, January 4th, and January 10th.
- Stressful Days in Capricorn: December 24th, January 6th, and January 15th.
- Opportunity Days in Capricorn: December 29th, January 9th, and January 12th.
- Romantic Days in Capricorn: December 30th, January 2nd, and January 19th.
- Cleansing Time in Capricorn: Between January 4th and January 6th.
Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, What are you doing for others Namaste.
PaulJon’s Quote