Aquarius - The Water Bearer

23rd August till 22nd September

Full Moon phase is from Wednesday 29th' January to Friday 31st' January
New Moon
 phase is from Wednesday 12th' February to Friday 14th' February 

This is the Horoscope forecast
 for the zodiac sign of 
 in Aquarius:You’re in a strong position for observation, strategy, investigation, and research as you begin February. Finances may deserve special attention, particularly shared money and property as well as loans and support. A passion project or special relationship can consume much of your attention. The month’s energies shift from inward to outward as it progresses, and in the second half, you’re up for new experiences and a more hands-on approach to your life. Until then, you’re in great shape for planning things out.Coming to the New Moon phase on Wednesday 29th’ January you  may require some adjustments, especially on a financial level,  particularly new budgets or payment plans may be necessary now, or a partner’s finances may be a big focus. Your intimate life speeds up this month, and conflicts regarding money or power dynamics can be in store for some. Your reasoning and negotiating skills step up a notch, however, and problems are likely to resolve fairly and relatively quickly but coming to the Full Moon phase on Wednesday 12th’ February there will be a strong tendency to special projects or the desire to pour a lot of energy into something important to you. You’re not very interested in doing things halfway right now! Be willing to compromise and to make a fresh start with others, but if you genuinely feel short changed, this can be a time when you’re ready to stand up for your needs and desires. Feelings are more intense than usual, although not uncomfortably so. In fact, you are more willing than usual to explore your deeper feelings. However, you may have some concerns about whether or not someone wants to be closer Namaste.

  • Aquarius Element is Air and Capricorn Ruling Planet is Uranus.
  • Aquarius is the Eleventh Ruling House .
  • Aquarius are known for their desire of freedom , they are loved and surrounded by many people , they are passionate , kind to others , they can be good guidance to many , have a lot of wisdom and many feel secure when being around them
  • Aquarius ideal love zodiac signs in Aquarius  are :  Taurus , Libra and Capricorn.
  • Aquarius’ most ideal guidance zodiac sign in Aquarius sign is Libra.
  • Aquarius month zodiac quote is that reading is to the mind but as to Exercise is to the body Namaste.  
  • Aquarius ideal Crystal in Aquarius is the Seraphinite.
  • Aquarius ideal days in Aquarius  are  :  29th’ Jan , 9th’ Feb and 16th’ February.
  • Aquarius stressful days in Aquarius are : 24th’ Jan , 1st’  Feb and 10th’ February. 
  • Aquarius opportunity days in Aquarius are : 25th’ Jan , 5th’ Feb and 14th’ February. 
  • Aquarius ideal romantic days in Aquarius are : 27th’ Jan , 3rd’ Feb and 19th’ February.
  • Aquarius ideal Cleansing time in Aquarius  is between the  7th’ Feb and 12th’ February.

Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think Namaste 

PaulJon’s Quote