Aquarius - The Water Bearer

23rd August till 22nd September

Full Moon phase is from Monday 13th January to Wednesday 15th January
New Moon
 phase is from Friday 20th December to Sunday 22nd December

This is the Horoscope forecast
 for the zodiac sign of 
Aquarius in Capricorn :  new influence on your chart gives you a strong sense of spiritual peace,  preparing you internally for outward changes when zodiac  moves into your sign next January , this zodiac sign has a lot of time in this background area of your chart, and these energies have sometimes felt quite stark. Coming New Moon phase from Friday 20th’ December  will be helping to build inner peace and enhancing your ability to take things in stride. You get a real sense that you can overcome some of your inner fears and anxieties in the coming year. If you need help during this period, it tends to come sometimes just in the nick of time, and it may arrive from unanticipated or hidden sources. You will be building tremendous inner and spiritual strength in the year ahead, and it all begins now! It’s an excellent period to give of yourself on a charitable level. As the Full Moon phase  comes on Monday 13th’ January  you may find that a partner’s daily life or health improves dramatically during this period. You can feel quite protected as if you have a guardian angel watching over you. Fears and anxieties that may have weighed you down with guilt or pressure are faced and lifted .You’re in great shape for enjoying your own company, gaining more peace and quiet, trusting your intuition, and supporting others or doing behind the scenes good deeds Namaste.

  • Element and Ruling Planet: Aquarius’ element is Air, and its ruling planet is Uranus.
  • Ruling House: Aquarius is the eleventh ruling house.
  • Personality Traits: Aquarius individuals are known for their desire for freedom. They are loved and surrounded by many people, passionate, kind to others, good guides, wise, and provide a sense of security to those around them.
  • Ideal Love Zodiac Signs: Pisces, Gemini, and Virgo.
  • Ideal Guidance Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius.
  • Monthly Zodiac Quote: “True love brings up everything. You’re allowing a mirror to be held up to you daily. Namaste.”
  • Ideal Crystal: Desert Rose.
  • Ideal Days in Capricorn: December 26th, January 5th, and January 14th.
  • Stressful Days in Capricorn: December 24th, December 30th, and January 9th.
  • Opportunity Days in Capricorn: December 29th, January 3rd, and January 17th.
  • Romantic Days in Capricorn: December 31st, January 8th, and January 19th.
  • Cleansing Time in Capricorn: Between January 9th and January 12th.

Life is never fair and perhaps it is good things for most of us that is not Namaste 

PaulJon’s Quote