Aquarius - The Water Bearer

23rd August till 22nd September

Full Moon phase is from Sunday 4th' August till Tuesday 6th'August
New Moon
 phase is from Saturday 6th' July till Monday 8th' July

This is the Horoscope forecast for the zodiac sign of Leo in Aquarius  : There can be much activity and focus on work, analysis, reorganization, and fixing problem areas in your life in August still there is some room for pleasant diversions and rewards. You can be especially productive and enjoy the feeling of being useful, but it can also be a rather busy period that requires some backtracking over incomplete or outdated projects. Coming New Moon phase on Sunday 4th’August  you could be waiting for information that only arrives after this phase has been in your sign  but is now returning to the previous sign until mid December, after which it will return to Aquarius for a longer run. You’ll be getting the chance to tie up loose ends from your past that may have been tripping you up before the coming phase of Full Moon on Monday 19th’ August as then it’s a time for ending projects that have outworn their use or completing unfinished ones and dealing with past grievances or guilt. You have some more work to do as you identify the weak areas of your life or those attitudes and circumstances that undermine your progress and don’t allow you to move on with confidence.Lifestyle improvements are strongly favored after you’re taking charge of your services, working environment, daily life, or health matters. Take stock of your plans and their developments Namaste.

  • Aquarius Element is Air and Capricorn Ruling Planet is Uranus.
  • Aquarius is the Eleventh Ruling House .
  • Aquarius are known for their desire of freedom , they are loved and surrounded by many people , they are passionate , kind to others , they can be good guidance to many , have a lot of wisdom and many feel secure when being around them
  • Aquarius’ ideal love zodiac signs in Leo are : Taurus , Virgo and Sagittarius. 
  • Aquarius’ most ideal guidance zodiac sign in Leo sign is Gemini.
  • Aquarius month zodiac quote is that life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced Namaste.
  • Aquarius’ ideal  Crystal in Leo is the Lavakite.
  • Aquarius ideal days in Leo are : 25th’Jul , 29th’Jul and 9th’Aug.
  • Aquarius stressful days in Leo are : 28th’ Jul , 30th’Jul and 17th’Aug. 
  • Aquarius opportunity days in Leo are : 23rd’Jul , 27th’Jul 21st’Jul and 7th’Aug.
  • Aquarius ideal romantic days in Leo are : 26th’Jul , 31st’Jul and 15th’Aug.
  • Aquarius’ ideal Cleansing time in Leo is between the 3rd’ Aug and 6th’Aug.

Any fool can know. The point is to understand Namaste.

PaulJon’s Quote