Pisces - The Fish
23rd August till 22nd September
Full Moon phase is from Sunday 4th' August till Tuesday 6th'August
New Moon phase is from Monday 19th' August till Wednesday 21st' August
This is the Horoscope forecast for the zodiac sign of Leo in Pisces : You have a greater need to express yourself this month, as helping you feel a little freer and not everything is running smoothly until after that date. Still, for the most part, you’re well received. Coming New Moon phase on Sunday 4th’ August entertaining, recreation, romance, children, and hobbies appeal more than usual ,you’re getting in touch with your need to enjoy and express yourself as an individual. You are putting your unique stamp on whatever you’re doing, and this is an important process of self discovery. Coming Full Moon phase on Monday 19th’ August will remind you of the need for others, whether it’s about support or simply a feeling of belonging. Reaching out at this time can be therapeutic. A friend may need your assistance. Responsibilities to others become very clear, and they can feel like a burden at first, but fulfilling them will lead to a stronger sense of satisfaction’s while this is an important month for personality growth and liberation, there may be some backtracking or practical matters to manage. Domestic matters move forward after a lull. In fact, it’s a very strong month for bringing more harmony to your family life. Limitations you deal with in this month can open you up to freedoms later Namaste.
- Pisces Element is Water and Pisces Ruling Planet is Neptune.
- Pisces is the Twelfth Ruling House.
- Pisces are known to observe every movement , they carry with them self respect , known also to be empathic , compassionate and creative in many artistic ways.
- Pisces ideal love zodiac signs in Leo are : Cancer , Virgo and Capricorn.
- Pisces’ most ideal guidance zodiac sign in Leo sign is Taurus.
- Pisces month zodiac quote is that don’t settle for what life gives you; make life better and build something Namaste.
- Pisces ideal Crystal in Leo is the Opal Blue.
- Pisces ideal days in Leo are : 24th’ Jul , 28th’Jul and 15th’Aug.
- Pisces stressful days in Leo are : 26th”Jul’ 30th’Jul and 6th’Aug.
- Pisces opportunity days in Leo are : 23rd’Jul , 27th’Jul and 19th’Aug.
- Pisces ideal romantic days in Leo are :25th’Jul, 31st’Jul and 4th’Aug.
- Pisces ideal Cleansing time in Leo is between the 4th’Aug and 8th’Aug.
Think before you speak. Read before you think Namaste.
PaulJon’s Quote