Leo - The Lion

23rd July till 22nd August

Full Moon phase is from Sunday 4th' August till Tuesday 6th'August
New Moon
 phase is from Monday 19th' August till Wednesday 21st' August

This is the Horoscope forecast for the zodiac sign of Leo in Leo : Energy is generally good this month, even if you’re spending more time to yourself,  August is a month for dusting off ideas you’ve previously put on the shelf. Your attention turns to the past so that you can decide which projects, ideas, or situations you might salvage or scrap. This is not the most decisive period with Mercury retrograde until the 12th’ August and in your privacy sector all month. As the New  Moon phase starts on Sunday 4th’August  people will start paying more attention. There can be a lot of your energy focused on helping or supporting others this month, and you might often find yourself in a position of go between or mediator. You can be especially intuitive and at times quite distracted and preoccupied this month. Relationships with friends and associates improve considerably. Coming Full Moon phase on Monday 19th’ August makes you out of touch or dealing with confusing situations, you’ll find that these issues clear up . People are warmer and more inclined to reach out and as it gets more in mid month it  heads back into your solar sixth house for several months before moving out permanently you are prompted to take care of unfinished business related to work, daily routines, and health Namaste.

  • Leo  Element is Fire and Scorpio Ruling Planet is the Sun.Leo is the Fifth Ruling House .
  • Leo  are known for their Stability , Loyalty , Consistency , they are very dedicated , kind and great lovers when they are in the right relationship.
  • Leo’s ideal love zodiac signs in Leo are : Libra , Capricorn and Aries.
  • Leo’s most ideal guidance zodiac sign in Leo  is Scorpio.
  • Leo zodiac month quote is that you ,Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game Namaste. 
  • Leo’s ideal Crystal in Leo is  Calcite Orange.
  • Leo’s ideal days in Leo are :  26th’ July , 30th’ July and 17th’ Aug.
  • Leo stressful days in Leo are : 23rd’ July , 29th’July and 10th’ Aug.
  • Leo opportunity days in Leo are : 28th’Jul , 31st’Jul and 3rd’ Aug. 
  • Leo ideal romantic days in Leo are : 25th’Jul , 27th’Jul and 14th’ Aug.
  • Leo’s ideal Cleansing time in Leo is between the 3rd’ Aug and 9th’ Aug.

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom Namaste.

PaulJon’s Quote