L-ASPETT TAN-NEW MOON GĦAŻ-ŻODJAKU TA’ GEMINI mwassal mill-Astroloġista PaulJon
June 30, 2024
13 Points of Capricorn
January 16, 202513 Points of Cancer
The 13 interesting facts about the zodiac

1- Cancer (︎) is the fourth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Cancer. It spans from 90° to 120° celestial longitude. The Sun transited this area between approximately June 22 and July 22, and in the modern era, the Sun transits this area between approximately July 21 and August 9.In astrology, Cancer is the cardinal sign of the Water trigon, which is made up of Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio. It is one of the six negative signs, and its ruling planet is the Moon. Though some depictions of Cancer feature a lobster, the sign is most often represented by the crab, based on the Karkinos.Cancer is the celestial body that represents comfort, self-care, and maternal energies. Accordingly, Cancers tend to be domestically oriented. They love to create cozy, safe spaces that serve as their personal sanctuaries, then spend lots of time in them.
2 – It is very easy to get on the wrong side of Cancer. Even casual, cutting remarks can have a devastating effect on the sensitised Crab. Be warned that Cancer is very black and white when someone wrongs them. There is no negotiation, and no reprieve you are history.When off balance, Cancer can be its own worst enemy. A born worrier, The Crab can get quite worked up about silly details and arrangements. This sign is not great at going with the flow. Worries can become quite irrational, and self-defeating.
3 -Those born under the zodiac sign Cancer are deeply loving people. They are considered one of the most nurturing signs of the zodiac.Their love of security leads them to take friendships and relationships very seriously. They are compassionate and almost unconditional in the love that they give to those in their lives. They have a great sense of loyalty to friends and family, and will leave everything in the drop of a hat in order to help their loved ones. They find happiness in sharing what they have – both in their home and the sense of security that they can provide in the form of advice, and care. They can suffer deeply when relationships, romantic or otherwise, don’t work out.
4 – When it comes to love and relationships, those born under the Cancer zodiac sign love and love hard. They do not fall quickly into a relationship, as they need to be sure of themselves before exposing their feelings. Walking sideways like the crab, they often shy away from direct gestures of interest, rather relying on others to take the cue. Once they do fall in love though, they fall deeply and will take relationships very seriously.They need to feel loved and appreciated, and will have depressive moods if they feel neglected by their partner. In relationships they are deeply reliant on their partner’s attention, and some of them may struggle with problems of codependency. Problems within a relationship may lead to some compulsive lying in order to protect themselves. When dating someone under the sign of Cancer, it is important to remember their insecurities, and to forgive small transgressions as they are often rooted in feeling unloved. Reminding them of how much you value them and how needed they are is key to the relationship.
5 – The female Cancer zodiac sign is one of maternal instincts and desires, a protective nature and the moodiness Cancer women seem to be known for. What else does a Cancer woman house within her personality though? There’s more to a Cancer woman’s zodiac characteristics than mood swings, the inspiration to nurture, and the likelihood to go to extremes to protect those they consider their own.Being a Cancer is great when things are up. Cancers make fantastic leaders, artists, inspirational speakers and friends, but there are some flaws to this sign! Cancers may find themselves with inferiority complexes and a tendency to overreact. They can also be quick to latch onto an insult and beat themselves up over it. Additionally, Cancer women are sometimes difficult and hard to pin down, and they have a tendency to live in the past (if not their imaginations).
6 – The Cancer man loves his mother. I mean, he really loves his mother. There’s no getting around it. But don’t worry; this doesn’t necessarily mean it all has to end in self-inflicted blindness and death. Although, it might. The Cancer man does, however, tend to seek out strong, experienced, yet caring, women as partners. This can often lead to the Cancer man seeming like the junior component of the relationship, the little boy lost; but this is largely a superficial thing. Cancer men are hard working and this work ethic extends to their romantic affiliations; they will never be the dead weight in any relationship.The Cancer man is also easily and eagerly educated. He will love nothing more than to discover exactly what it is that pushes your buttons and then explore said ‘buttons’ until you just can’t stand it anymore.
7 – Cancer is an expert at clitoral manipulation. He has a special gift in this technique of foreplay. He prefers to perform with his fingers and not orally, but his touch is so finely sensitive that he literally has exquisite sensations at his fingertips. What aids Cancer in lovemaking is his superb power of recollection. He remembers everything he has ever done that has aroused a woman to passion. As he carries those youthful experiences with him into adulthood, he adds many imaginative refinements.He gets affectionate and lets down his guard when he feels emotionally safe. Often that means on his own home turf, with all his comforts within arm’s reach. Cancer men are often orally oriented, starting with kissing and covering the body landscape. Fundamental needs:

8 – Cancer people are very protective and sympathetic to those around them. They are very capable of “feeling your pain” whether it be physical, financial or emotional. They will help out, as long as it is clear they are not being taken advantage of.When they are shining Cancer is sensitive, caring, kind and sympathetic, they have an urge to care for and nurture people. This trait expresses itself particularly well with things concerning family and home life. This can be considered the “softer” side of the Cancer personality. However lurking in the shadows is the hard side, which can be self-centered and enterprising.The Cancerian person tends to be kind and caring individuals with a natural sense to nurture and care for others, especially their loved ones. They are very protective and can be quite defensive at times. They may be emotional and sentimental, often seeming to be extremely touchy.Often seen as having a keen sense of perception and observation and the ability to construct things in their imagination. They are creative and have a natural tendency to study and analyze things. Cancerians make some of the best students and can learn most anything that they set their minds to.The cancer zodiac sign can be extremely protective of a vulnerable underside. The hard shell appearance is outwardly tough and impenetrable, but deep inside cancer is highly caring and sensitive, even if they manage to hide it well from the rest of the world.
9 – This zodiac sign having the tough outer shell of the crab also has it’s soft belly. Even though they may seem cool and in control on the surface, they quite often are prone to emotional disruptions. While desiring the feeling of security, uncertainty in life may cause the agitation, which in turn makes them susceptible to gastric problems.Heartburn, gastric disorders and obesity are of major concern to the Cancerian. Although they are supportive of others close to them, they usually suffer in silence as they are not ones who communicate freely.Water retention is also common among Cancerians. They should avoid high fat foods and learn to talk openly about things that bother them so as to avoid any chances of stomach ulcers. Watch food intake as Canerians are often the greatest of warriors, which may in turn lead to overeating and an expanding waistline.
0 – Some Personal facts about the zodiac sign of Cancer : on the whole Cancer is said to calm up and retreat when feeling angry. Instead of lashing out at people, Cancers ball up and remain angry only for very short periods .Cancers are generally very creative people, who are also supposedly very resilient in the face of stress, and who are in tune with their emotions.Cancers are also said to appreciate their home life. This means that they often make for good providers. They also love to settle down earlier in life. Many Cancerians hate being told what to do. They often like to follow their own paths! Cancers are very sensitive, but this does not make them doormats. As mentioned, Cancers are extremely resilient, even though they are intensely emotional people. Cancers are more social than many people believe. While they love meeting new people, they often prefer to connect with them through home or familiar environments. Something you may not know: They know the wrath they are capable of so they try to keep it hidden. Memories are the most valuable possession for Cancer. Cancer wastes no time with people who doubt their honesty. Cancer never learns anything by being told, they have to find out for themselves.It is said that Cancers often make great parents. This is thanks to their stable, loving natures, and their interest in creating emotionally stable environments. They also never dwell on arguments or grudges. They are defined by their generosity ,Cancer is blessed with a powerful, innate intuition.
Famous Males that celebrate their Birthdays in the Zodiac Sign of Cancer : Sylvester Stallone , Tom Hanks , Carlos Santana , Zinedine Zidane , Dan Aykroyd George W.Bush , Vin Diesel , Mike Tyson , Ringo Starr , Chris Pratt ,Lionel Messi , Harrison Ford , Michel Platini , Prince William and Tom Cruise.
Famous Females that celebrate their Birthdays in the Zodiac Sign of Cancer : Malala Yousafzai ,Angela Merkel , Meryl Streep , Liv Tyler , Ashley Tisdale , Khloe Karddashian , jane lynch , Kristen Bell , Duffy , Mary Lynnn Rajskub , Ali Landry , Pamela Anderson and Queen Camilla Parker Bowles
Famous People that have passed away in the zodiac Sign of Cancer : Nelson Mandela ( 2013 ) , Julius Caesar ( 44 BC ) , Lord Mountbatten ( 1979 ) , Yul Brynner ( 1985 ) , ( Ginger Rogers ( 1995 ) , Leoan Spinks ( 2021 ) , ( Robin Williams ( 2014 ) , George Michael ( 2016 ) and Lady Diana ( 1997 ).
12 – Cancer ideal day is Monday but needs to avoid Wednesday and Cancer ideal month is April but need to avoid the month of February.
Cancer’s most ideal days in the month of June are 25th’, 28th’ and 30th’ while most ideal days in July are 3rd’ , 9th’ , 14th’ 17th’.
13 – Cancer’s most ideal Crystals are Rose Quartz and Moonstone
Namaste 🙏
PaulJon | D Psychic Consultant & Author