PaulJon gave a speech to the Caritas Malta
April 30, 2017
Libra New Moon
October 15, 2017Libra Zodiac Star Sign
23 September to 22 October
- Libra are known that they are humble people;
- The most 3 Positive Star Signs for Libra are: Aquarius, Sagittarius and Gemini;
- The most 3 Negative Star Signs for Libra are: Virgo, Taurus and Scorpio;
- The most favorite Full Moon for Libra star sign is December’s Full Moon;
- The most favorite New Moon for Libra star sign is June’s New Moon;
- The most 3 Positive months for Libra star sign are: January, April and June;
- The most 3 Romantic months for Libra star sign are: June, September and December;
- The most 3 Lucky months for Libra star sign are: January, May and November;
- The most 3 Ideal Star Signs months for Libra are: Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius;
- The most Important numbers for Libra star sign are: 5, 19, 29 and 43;
- The most 3 favorite colours for Libra star sign are: Blue, Green and White;
- The most favorite Day for Libra star sign is: Saturday;
- The most beneficiary Crystal healing for Libra star sign is the Rose Quartz.
Today I shared with you the most 13 important points about the Libra Zodiac sign, however should you wish to get to know more about this sign please contact me on 9901 3600 or 7949 5804 or email me on
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