Capricorn - The Sea Goat

22nd December till 19th January

Full Moon phase is from Saturday 24th' February.
New Moon
 phase is from Sunday 10th' March


This is the Horoscope forecast for the zodiac sign of Capricorn in Pisces  : The starting of this zodiac  pulls up your need to explore companionship matters, there can be a chance for a new beginning or a cleaning of the slate related to a partnership, negotiation, or commitment. Themes this month  and next can relate to a new or enhanced partnership or can lead to a commitment to go or stay solo. Coming Full Moon phase on Saturday 24th’ February  for some can look as a relationship crisis of sorts prompts a new beginning or approach a turning point is happening now. In the first week of the month, you’d benefit from taking time to get in touch with your relationship needs. Observe, take in, and be honest with yourself. This way, you’re ready for a new beginning that is ushered in by  your partnership sector. Of course, you can’t anticipate all that happens or all that you feel at this time, but connecting with your intuition will be most helpful. Coming New Moon phase on Sunday 10th’ March you may have been pouring a lot of energy into relationships in recent weeks, and there’s more of this energy , perhaps with a big reveal or a turning point. These ingresses point to a growing desire to transform, improve, and develop a relationship or project. There can be times when your needs and desires seem eclipsed by those of a partner, or in general, your personal needs and plans are on the back burner for now. This can lead to a feeling that you have to lay down the law or take control, but doing so is unlikely to serve you well. It’s best to work on developing your own resources and on getting your life in order so that you can bring the best version of yourself to your relationships. Playing a supportive role can be beneficial at this point Namaste.

  • Capricorn Element is Earth and Capricorn Ruling Planet is Saturn.
  • Capricorn is the Tenth Ruling House .
  • Capricorns are known for their Stability balanced ways , they are very high in wisdom , very sensitive , sensible , secure but they can act aggressively to get what they want.
  • Capricorn ideal love zodiac signs in Pisces are : Taurus , Leo and Scorpio.
  • Capricorn’s most ideal guidance zodiac sign In Pisces  is Aries.
  • Capricorn month zodiac quote is that insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results Namaste. 
  • Capricorn ideal Crystal in Pisces is the Rhodonite.
  • Capricorn ideal days in Pisces are : 20th’ Feb , 26th’ Feb and 10th’ March.
  • Capricorn stressful days in Pisces are : 22nd’ Feb , 28th’Feb and 19th’ March.
  • Capricorn opportunity days in Pisces are : 26th’ Feb , 3rd’ Mar and 17th’ March.
  • Capricorn ideal romantic days in Pisces are : 29th’ Feb , 4th’ Mar and 15th’ March.
  • Capricorn ideal Cleansing time in Pisces is between the  5th’ Mar and 9th’ March.

If your heart is a volcano, how shall you expect flowers to bloom? Namaste.

PaulJon’s Quote